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Veritech Arabia L.L.C.
+971 52 184 9090
+994 70 754 8666

Wheat (Durum, Spelt, Emmer, Einkorn & Khorasan)

We work with numerous trusted suppliers to achieve large volumes and have staff present at loading to ensure the quality.

Milling Wheat Grain

Milling Wheat Grain

Spring Wheat Grains

Spring Wheat Grains

Winter Wheat Grain

Winter Wheat Grain

Wheat Flour

Wheat Flour


Wheat stands as one of the globe’s most widely consumed cereal grains, originating from the Triticum genus, a diverse family of grass cultivated in numerous forms across the world. Predominantly, bread wheat, known as common wheat, takes precedence among its species, while others closely intertwined with it encompass durum, spelt, emmer, einkorn, and Khorasan wheat.

Integral components in the creation of baked goods, both white and whole-wheat flour assume pivotal roles. These flours contribute significantly to various culinary delights like bread, pasta, noodles, semolina, bulgur, and couscous. However, wheat remains a subject of intense debate due to the presence of gluten—a protein that can incite adverse immune reactions in susceptible individuals.

Nevertheless, for those who exhibit tolerance, whole-grain wheat serves as a reservoir for an array of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, furnishing a potential source of essential nutrients.